Improving YouTube Transcription Accuracy

One of the biggest ways to boost your outreach or marketing efforts on YouTube is by providing an accurate transcription of what is said in the video. YouTube does offer an automatic captioning service, but it is not ADA compliant or easily translated, and it often makes mistakes. The good news is that there are some ways to ensure you offer the best transcription possible, pulling in more views.

The first thing to be aware of is that the YouTube description is not the best place to put your transcription. Instead, you should upload a written transcript during the video upload and ensure you disable the machine-generated transcription. YouTube can then signal to users that your transcription may offer the best information to reflect the video.

Secondly, you should always utilize best practices in recording. This involves choosing the proper equipment to record, along with avoiding any secondary noise that will be distracting. For smaller videos, a shotgun microphone will suffice, but larger videos might want to consider a sound engineer and backup recordings to get the best quality possible.

The third way to improve your transcription accuracy is by using a human-based transcription service. While machine-based transcriptions can suffice, they cannot compete with humans at this time. A professional transcriber has years of experience and knows how to ensure their offering is nearly 100 percent accurate. This avoids second-guessing and listening over machine-based transcriptions that may not be as close to perfect. In addition, many firms offer a discount if you make videos on a regular basis, so you might be able to save some money.