Transcription for Investigators

Have you ever been asked to find information, collect data, check facts & store them securely? This can be very time consuming and critical at the same time. Investigators do the same job. They find, collect, check the facts and store them securely and the last thing an investigator possibly thinks about is hiring a transcriptionist. What investigators have to do with Transcriptionist? Let’s discuss:

  1. Witness Interviews: Investigators or detectives to collect the fact have to interrogate Eye-witnesses or the people who know something about a particular case. Investigators may have to go back at some point to review the interview of a witness to recall any leading point.
  2. Suspect Interviews: Suspects are usually interrogated more than once. Transcribing such interrogation is very beneficial to find out if the facts that are being told by the suspect are similar at all occasions. People who are accused in any case cannot make up the same story every time especially when they are not telling the truth.
  3. Comparison: When there are multiple people interrogated/interviewed it can be very confusing for even trained detectives to find the facts and separate them from lies. Transcripts help them to compare what is being told by every witness and the suspect and find the missing information and find out who is telling the truth.

Not only the trained private investigators/detectives are benefited through Transcription but those too who have never handled major cases and are not sure what the best way is to proceed.